It is spring now and the hillsides are bursting with color. Even on city streets, there are trees laden with white and pink blossoms. It is the season of new growth, a time for new beginnings.
Every morning there is the joyous song of birds. This is the call to let go of things that weigh you down, that no longer serve you. Letting go is the necessary act to create the space for something new. This letting go can be painful, often we feel as naked as winter trees in this space between what we have been and who we want to become. But nothing can grow if we do not provide the necessary space for it to flourish.
I experienced this truth so profoundly this past year. I was fiercely holding on to things that were dying, things that would eventually drain the life out of me. Not only did I have a tight grip, but I felt a sense of pride about my stubborn loyalty to them. As a friend once said, “the mind is a trickster, it tells you all kind of things.” It wasn’t until I finally let go that life’s immense possibilities were again available to me.
Take a moment to reflect on who you are becoming. What is holding this new self back? What does this self need to blossom and grow? Imagine you are this plant, vibrant with new growth and yet still straining to feed the dead leaves of the old you. Be fearless in trimming away those old attachments and habits. Without this weight, there is nothing that you can’t do.